Last Updated: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. CST

Election Stories Making Headlines

Santis’ Insights

  • The two leading parties in the election are the incumbent Saskatchewan Party, led by current premier Scott Moe, and Carla Beck, the leader of NDP and Official Opposition. The two parties have been polling closely. Earlier this year, six cabinet ministers and forty-six MLAs of the current Saskatchewan Party announced they would not seek reelection, but they now have a full slate of 61 candidates. 

    Election Accessibility: Voting Changes for 2024

    Saskatchewan’s Chief Electoral Officer announced key strides being taken to make voting more accessible to the province. Including mail-in ballots, electronic poll books, extended voting hours and a voting week expected to begin on October 22 and close on October 28. This is expected to increase overall voter turnout and participation from rural constituencies. 

    Key Issues: Agriculture, Rural Health, and Education

    Saskatchewan’s farmland represents about 40% of Canada’s total farmland, and over a third of its population is comprised of rural residents. As such, the agricultural and natural resource sectors are at the forefront of critical issues for many voters, and much of Saskatchewan politics has catered to a rural-urban split. Saskatchewan’s resource economy is at the forefront of the Saskatchewan Party’s priorities, while the NDP’s key campaign promises include Improving health care services in rural regions and investments in primary education.

    The differing policy priorities of each party’s supporters have resulted in what is projected to be a very close race. The campaigns in the coming days will be transformational for voters in deciding the future of Saskatchewan’s provincial politics. 

Recent Polling and Projections

Popular Vote Projection

Last update: August 22, 2024
338 Canada

Saskatchewan Party: 48%
NDP: 42%
Saskatchewan United: 4%

Polling Averages Over Time

Last update: August 18, 2024
Angus Reid, Insightrix Research

Saskatchewan Party: G NDP: T Saskatchewan United: T

Meet the Party Leaders

| Scott Moe
| Saskatchewan Party

Scott Moe has been the premier of Saskatchewan since 2018 and was first elected to the Saskatchewan legislature in the 2011 provincial election. He has previously served as Minister of Environment, Advanced Education, Saskatchewan Water Security Agency and Saskatchewan Water Corporation. 

Moe completed a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and has been reactive in local communities through his work with the Economic Development Corporation. During his time as Premier, Moe created the Ministry of Trade and Export Development to develop Saskatchewan’s export industry. 

| Carla Beck

Carla Beck was elected in 2016 as the MLA for Regina Lakeview and entered politics in 2009 as a Regina public school board trustee for two terms. Beck was elected into the Legislative assembly in the 2016 election and served as the Opposition critic for Education, Early Learning, and Child Care. 

Beck has an educational background in both sociology and social work. She has over twenty years of experience as a registered social worker and was the assistant executive director at a local women’s shelter. She has many years of experience volunteering in the community for organizations like the Saskatchewan Coalition Against Racism and the helpline at Regina Sexual Assault Centre. 

| Jon Hromek
| Saskatchewan United

Jon Hromek became the party leader in May 2024, following the resignation of the former party leader. Before that, he was the deputy leader for Saskatchewan United since August 2023. 

Hromek has a degree in Petroleum Engineering and extensive experience working in Saskatchewan’s energy sector. He has founded and managed oil exploration and production companies and served as the Chairman and CEO of a Resource corporation. He is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Headquartered Oil Producers.

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