Last Updated: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. PDT

Election Stories Making Headlines

Santis’ Insights

  • Santis Health is pleased to announce that our Election Tracker has returned, and includes timely updates of the New Brunswick election. 

    The Santis Election Tracker will provide regular updates on the latest developments in the province, as well as an expert and detailed health-focused analysis of major party platforms, announcements, and commitments.  

    Ahead of the election day on October 21, 2024, New Brunswick voters will have the choice to vote between the Liberal party, represented by first-time leader Susan Holt, the Green Party’s David Coon, and the incumbent Conservative Party premier Blaine Higgs. The NDP, led by Alex White, is planning to rebuild and recruit more members, after failing to win a seat in the 2020 provincial election and earning just 1.6% of the vote. 

    The PCs are favoured in 21 seats, whereas the Liberals are favoured in 15 seats, and as the election approaches, campaigning is expected to target central New Brunswick, where the remaining 13 seats will be significant to the outcome. N.B. has experienced close elections in the past decade, and recent polls have been indicating a toss-up - especially because of the number of undecided voters/. Some show Holt’s Liberals leading the popular vote, whereas the PCs are projected to hold a geographical advantage that could secure them a majority without winning the popular vote. The Liberal Party are dominant among the francophone regions of New Brunswick, which are expected to be secure seats for the party. 

    One of the most contentious policy issues underpinning this election will be Higg’s controversial school gender-identity policy decisions, following which a brief caucus revolt and a series of resignations took place. Higgs shuffled out two of his cabinet ministers who voted for the Liberal motion of calling for more consultations on Policy 713, which sets out protections for LGBTQ students. Changes to self-identification within classrooms have been drawing attention province-wide as it faces courtroom battles, and district education councils defy the provincial directive to implement the rule which restricts youth under sixteen from choosing their pronouns. This has been the primary cause for the revolt against HIgg’s leadership, causing many former and current PC members to speak out against his leadership, and urging members not to support the premier. 

    The top issue of concern for New Brunswick, however, is health care, while issues like housing and cost of living are on the rise. These are all issues at the centre of the Liberal Party’s campaign, which officially launched on September 8th, which also includes balancing the budget, which was indicated to be a surplus of over $500 million under the current government. The debates around health care policy will be very important to the N.B. election after the largest union representing nurses recently voted against a new tentative collective agreement. Both parties have signalled they don’t plan on resuming negotiations until after a new government is formed.

    For all of these reasons and more, the New Brunswick election will be very interesting to follow as campaigning efforts increase for what could be a very close race. 

Recent Polling and Projections

Popular Vote Projection

Last update: August 27, 2024
338 Canada

Liberal: 42%
PC: 35%
Green Party: 16%
NDP: 4%
People’s Alliance: 3%

Polling Averages Over Time

Last update: August 8, 2024
Nanos Research, Narrative Research

Liberal: T PC: T Green Party: G NDP: T People’s Alliance: T

Meet the Party Leaders

| Blaine Higgs
| Progressive Conservative Party

Blaine Higgs is currently the Premier of New Brunswick and has been the Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party since 2016. He formed the first Conservative minority government in 100 years, and later formed a majority government in 2020, as the second-ever premier to secure a second mandate. 

Blaine has an educational background in mechanical engineering from the University of New Brunswick. Following university, Blaine held numerous positions in engineering and the transportation sector within Irvind Oil Ltd. After retiring from the company, he was first elected as an MLA in 2010, and later was sown-in as Minister of Finance, Minister responsible for the New Brunswick Liquor Corporation, Minister responsible for the New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation, Minister responsible for the New Brunswick Lotteries and Gaming Corporation, and Chair of the Board of Management. 

| Susan Holt
| Liberal Party

Susan Holt entered provincial politics after winning a byelection in 2023 following the resignation of a Liberal MLA in 2023. She shortly after became the official opposition leader of New Brunswick and Leader of the Liberal Party of New Brunswick. 

Holt holds degrees in both economics and Chemistry from Queen’s University. She has experience working as a human resource manager for software testing companies, and the president of the New Brunswick Business Council.

Before this, Holt led the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, an organization which voices business issues in the province. She has also been involved with community volunteering and provincial and national advocacy.

| David Coon
| Green Party

David was elected as the leader of New Brunswick’s Green Party in 2012 and became an MLA in 2014 as the third Green parliamentarian elected in Canada. He holds a science degree from McGill University and spent over three decades as an environmental educator, organizer and advocate at the Conservation Council of New Brunswick. He also specialized in providing training for home-based renewable energy systems and wrote about this regularly as a columnist for the Globe and Mail. 

During his time as MLA, David has introduced private member’s bills aimed at increasing local food security, expanding local architects, creating jobs in energy-efficient building renovations, lowering the voting age, and more. He has also established a permanent roundtable for youth and seniors in his riding of Fredericton South, to ensure he can represent their interests. 

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